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- Usb 2.0 10 100m Ethernet Adaptor Driver
- Amazon Usb Ethernet Adapter Driver
Have you tried the device on any of the other ports on the hub, or just the one? Download fanco ceiling fan manual. Thanks for responding.
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Usb To Ethernet Driver
Jun 26, 2013 - This shouldn't be any different than manually compiling the driver as you've done, but other Ubuntu 12.04 precise users can use this ppa to.
Usb To Ethernet Tivo
The hub is an 'AmazonBasics 7 Port USB 3.0 Hub with 12V/3A power adapter' I've tried several of the 'regular' ports, and one of the 'high power' ports on the end, even though the drive has its own power supply. The really weird thing is, right after it failed to appear after a restart, Windows 'opened' the drive and showed the top-level folders. When I tried to open a folder, it said something like 'The device is not reachable'. It seemed to remember that the drive existed, and its directory structure. I wonder if that 'memory' is what causes this problem. I haven't tried it alone on the hub, but I did try with only it, a keyboard, and a mouse connected to the hub. I'll try it alone tonight or tomorrow.
Usb 2.0 10 100m Ethernet Adaptor Driver
I didn't suspect the enclosure, since it works fine plugged directly into the USB-3 adapter card, and (slower) plugged into a USB-2 port on the laptop. I have an old USB-2 hub--I think I'll try that, too, when I get a chance. BTW, I've seen this a few times before, with other drives on a hub. Each time, I checked the drive by connecting directly to the laptop--drive showed up, opened up. I shut down, then hooked the drive back into the hub.
Amazon Usb Ethernet Adapter Driver
Restart; everything fine. Not his time, though. It's that kind of behavior that makes me think it's Windows confused about what's where, rather than a hardware problem. Maybe I'll see if Linux can see it.