Projectlibre Change Language

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ProjectLibre is the free open source project tracking application which can be used for any purpose, commercial or personal. Get it at The ProjectLibre application allows easy tracking of tasks and assignments to team members. Project status is easily seen at a glance using the Gantt chart view. Various other reports such as the Work Usage Report and the Resource Usage Report, are available. The ProjectLibre User Guide Reference manual covers all available features within the tool. Presented as a series of actual screen images with annotations and descriptive text for each topic.

For ICM 590, Project Planning, Interactive Media Graduate Program, Quinnipiac University.

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Yes, Word has its own date format settings, per language, according to the language of the text in the document as recognized by Word or as set by the user. The way to access these settings depends on Word version (and user interface language, which affects the keyboard shortcuts).

In Word 2013, English, select the INSERT tab and click on the Date and Time icon in the Text group. (If the Word window is not wide enough, the icon appears without the accompanying text.) It opens a Date and Time window where you can set the format, for the language used. The format of the date inserted depends on the language in the spellcheck.

You can change this language in the Review tab->Language->Set Proofing Language. Here are a few examples of the output in different languages: • English (Unites States): 3/8/2017 • Swedish: 2017-03-08 • French: These formats are the ones that are commonly used in each language. So it seems that your spell checker in Word is in English and your system is in a language that formats dates in the same way as in Swedish. If you're writing a document in English, it's probably best to format dates like in English, and if you're not, you should change the spellcheck language.

Projectlibre Change Date Format

However, if you really want to write in English and use the 2017-03-08 format, you can temporarily change the spell checker to a language that uses that format (for example Swedish) and then changing it back to English after having inserted the date won't change the date format. If you want to change the way the date is formatted in a certain language, you can go to the Insert tab->Date and time.