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Mundeni edhe me printu........................................................................... Autoshkolla testi Pyetjet me pergjigje • 1.
Republika e Kosoves Republika Kosova - Republic of Kosovo Qeveria -Vlada - Government Ministria e Infrastruktures Ministarstvo Infrastrukture Ministry of Infrastr ucture Sekretari i Pergjithshem i Ministrise se Infrastr uktures, Nr. 22{3/2012 Date: Ne mbeshtetje te nenit 145 (paragrafi 2), te Kushtetutes se Republike s se Kosoves, Duke marre parasysh nenin 38 te Ligjit nr. 03/ L-189 per administraten shteterore te Republikes se Kosoves, (Gazeta Zyr tare, Nr. 82, 21tetor 2010), duke u bazuar ne nenin 17 (paragrafi 5 dhe paragraH 6) te Rregullores nr. 02/ 2011 per fushat e pergjegjesise administrative te Zyres se Kryeministrit dhe Ministrive (), ne pajtim me nenin 5 (paragrafi 5.4.
C) te Rregullores 2001/19 per Degen e Ekzekutivit, nenit 257 te Ligjit nr. 02/ L-70 per Sigurine ne Komunikacionin Rrugor, neneve 15, 17, 21, 22, 29 34, 38, 126 te Ligjit nr. 04/L-065, per te Drejta t e autorit dhe te drejtat e peraferta, Vendimit nr.
1878, date, merr: V E N D I M I. Pyetjet per testimin e kandidateve per dhenien e provimit per shofer per ka tegorine '8' jane publike dhe publikohen ne ueb faqen e ministrise.
Filluar nga n00b.
Mobile Phone Spying – Technology to Solve Employee Problem Author: rait raak Have you heard mobile phone spying news? Okay, many of your friends or relatives have complained about it, but you don’t bother thinking about it. If this is the case, you will lose something that can truly help you.
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Just wait a bit; I am going to explain it shortly. If you are one of the management authorities of your company, you will surely want to handle your employee problem. It’s a right judgment to investigate what the employees are doing by using their company provided mobile phone. Mobile phone spying software can surely help you in this case. By using mobile phone spying technology, you can do the following things: You will discover if any culprit exists in your company who sales the secret bid or product information to other companies. You can detect whether your employees are telling lies about their original position.
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You can investigate about the mobile phone usage bills and information at any time using mobile phone spying software. You can surely detect the best employees in your organization. Many other things that can be profitable for your business. Let’s have a look at how you can use the mobile phone spying technology.